Booking Terms and Conditions

Booking Conditions

General Terms

Who we are is managed by a proprietorship based in Dhaka, Bangladesh, trading under the name MANGROVE AGRO & RESORTS, a registered entity to provide their valued clients with the opportunity of enjoying recreational fishing trips with related hospitality services in Bangladesh. The registered office of MANGROVE AGRO & RESORTS is Village- Gakulnagar, Post Office – Sen Walia, Police Station – Ashulia, Upazilla- Savar, District- Dhaka.

Our contact is between MANGROVE AGRO & RESORTS and all persons named on the booking as traveling or intending to travel, on one of our fishing holidays. The person making the booking warrants that they have full authority to do so on behalf of all persons named, and confirms that all persons on the booking are aware of and accept these conditions.

Booking and Payment

To make a booking you must send a non-refundable deposit of 50 USD to our bank account. This will constitute acceptance of these booking conditions. All deposits are per person per fishing holiday.

We will invoice you for the balance 45 days before the start of the fishing holiday. Failure to pay this balance within 7 days will lead to cancellation of the booking and loss of the deposit.

Bookings made within 45 days of the start of the fishing holiday must be paid for in full at the time of making the booking. The booking is not accepted and no contract exists until we have issued a confirmation by email.

Times and Dates of Emails

Times/Dates will be taken as those recorded for the Sender.

The start of the fishing holiday will be calculated as if hour zero on Day 1 of the itinerary is at 12:00 in the country and time-zone for the start-point of the tour.

Further Information

Our website shows the proposed itinerary for each of our fishing holidays.

Any information or advice provided by us on matters such as flights, visas and equipment required are given in good faith but without liability on our part. It is your responsibility to check that you have everything necessary for your fishing holiday.

Conditions Of Joining A Fishing Holiday


It is a requirement of all our tours that you have adequate travel insurance to cover an emergency evacuation. You will be asked to supply sufficient details such that we would be able to make a call on your behalf, as in the worst-case scenario this may be required. We take the details provided in good faith.

Adventurous Fishing Holidays

We accept your booking on the understanding that you realize the nature of an adventurous fishing holiday. You may suffer injury, disease, loss or damage to property, inconvenience, or discomfort.

It may not be possible to complete the itinerary exactly as published due to local political conditions, flight cancellations, mechanical breakdown, weather, travel restrictions or similar factors, and it is a fundamental condition of joining any of our fishing holidays that you accept flexibility in the event of changes.

We will endeavor to run the fishing holiday as described and if this is not possible we will provide suitable alternative arrangements.

If you choose not to take part in any alternative arrangements, you will not be offered any refund.

If it is not possible to make suitable alternative arrangements you will be given a pro-rata refund for services not utilized.

Authority of the Tour Leader

It is necessary that you recognize the authority of the Tour Leader in all decisions concerning the implementation of the itinerary.

If you commit any illegal act or, in the reasonable opinion of the Tour Leader, your behavior is causing, or likely to cause, distress to others we may terminate your travel arrangements without any liability on our part.

The Tour Leader represents the partnership and their decisions are final.

Age, Fitness and Participation

All anglers are expected to satisfy themselves that they are fit to complete the activities included in their chosen fishing holiday prior to booking. In particular, they must consider the adventurous nature outlined above.

No refund will be given where an angler is unable to participate in the activities described in the itinerary due to age or lack of fitness. Any additional costs incurred due to an inability to participate are the responsibility of the angler concerned.

No minors (those under age 18 years) can be accepted on our fishing holidays.

Illness and Disability

Anyone suffering from illness or disability, or undergoing treatment for any physical or medical condition, must declare the true nature of such condition at the time of booking. We reserve the right to refuse a booking where we consider the condition to be detrimental to the group experience of our fishing holiday.

If anyone is accepted with any such condition, they must make arrangements for the provision of medication or other treatment that may be required during the fishing holiday.

Failure to disclose the true nature of any condition constitutes a breach of these booking conditions and will result in that person being excluded from the fishing holiday (or remainder of it) and forfeit of all monies.

Cancellations And Changes

Cancellation Or Changes Made By Us

There are times when we must cancel an itinerary through no fault of our own. We will inform you by mail as soon as we can.

If we cancel your holiday, we shall not be liable for any incidental expenses incurred by you as a result of arrangements that you may have made.

There are times when we must change an itinerary through no fault of our own. We will inform you of significant changes (those affecting a more-than-24-hour period within the fishing holiday) by email as soon as we can.

In these circumstances, you may cancel with a full refund or accept a substitute holiday if we are able to offer you one. Further payment or a refund will be due where the price is different.

Cancellation By You

If you cancel your booking more than 45 days before the start of the fishing holiday we will cancel the invoice for the balance due but not refund your deposit. For an administration fee of 50 USD We will allow you to transfer the deposit to another fishing holiday in our range. The 50 USD must be paid within 14 days of our invoice being raised and payment constitutes acceptance of the booking conditions in regard to the new fishing holiday.

If you cancel within 35-45 days of the start of the tour you will receive a 75% refund.

If you cancel within 16-34 days of the start of the tour you will receive a 50% refund.

If you cancel within 15 days of the start of the tour we will not be able to refund any of your payment.

Cancellations must be made by email and acknowledged by us.

Transferring a Booking

If you are unable to travel on your intended fishing holiday you may transfer your booking to another angler provided that they meet and accept all of the Booking Conditions in force, and pay an administration fee of 50 USD. Payment will constitute acceptance of the Booking Conditions by the new angler.

There may be additional charges in respect of Domestic Flights if any are included in the fishing holiday. These will be charged at cost.


We reserve the right to impose a surcharge to cover abnormal increases in our costs incurred in respect of:

  1. Transport costs, including the cost of fuel
  2. Airport service fees
  3. Other taxes or charges imposed by a local government

In terms of any included domestic flight, an abnormal increase in cost will be taken to mean an increase of more than 10%. If the surcharge represents more than 10% of the holiday package price quoted to you originally, we’ll offer you the chance to cancel. Should you decide to cancel under such circumstances we will return your deposit in full.

Your protection


We are responsible for the proper performance of our obligations under the contract whether or not those are provided directly by us or by an agent. We are liable to you for any damage or loss caused to you by our improper performance of the contract unless that failure is attributable to you or a third party unconnected with the provision of our services, or due to an event or circumstances beyond our control which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable due care had been taken.

If you have any complaint about the fishing holiday you must make it known to the Tour Leader at the earliest opportunity and give them the opportunity to take appropriate action.

If you are not satisfied with the response of the Tour Leader then you should contact one of the two emergency numbers provided on your Fishing Holiday Voucher. We will then do our best to resolve the issue.

If at the end of the fishing holiday you feel that your complaint has not been properly dealt with, email us with the details and we shall try to agree on a settlement with you.

These procedures do not affect your rights under the MoneyBookers Buyer Complaint Policy.

Data Protection Policy

To ensure that your fishing holiday runs smoothly we and our agents need to use information such as your passport details, dietary requirements, and special requests to make bookings on your behalf.

When you make this booking you give your consent for us to pass such data on to relevant service providers

We will take appropriate measures to protect this data from other people and organizations.